This book released yesterday, and I was lucky enough to get an advanced reader’s copy (ARC) to review. Robin in the sister of Kelly Oram (I have posted several reviews of her books, recently here), one of my favorites, so that’s how I picked up on this little sneak peek, and was able to snatch an early copy! Boy am I glad I did!
Cameron Bates (Cam) could have almost any girl at Franklin High School…except for the one he wants. Unfortunately Bebe seems to be immune to his flirty charm and good looks, which means one of two things: a) she’s completely oblivious to how he feels, or b) she’s just not into him. If that’s the case, declaring his love would be disastrous for their friendship.
Bianca Barnes (Bebe) has a huge problem: the universe hates her. Every time she admits feelings for a boy, he ends up falling for her sweet, popular, and beautiful sister Beth. To avoid a broken heart, Bebe has sworn herself to secrecy. Nobody can know how she feels about Cam…Ever!
Neither person wants to confess their feelings, but the universe has its own plan. Out of the blue, Bebe is courted by a secret admirer. Cam has to step up his game and Bebe has to make a choice. Play it safe and accept the affections of her mystery man or challenge fate and take a chance on the boy she loves.
Content Description: This is a stand-alone YA contemporary romance with companion novels to follow. It contains minor language, innuendo, crude humor and steamy tension but is generally very clean. No sex. Recommended for ages 12 and up.
Let me start of by saying, that yes, this book does contain some swear words, and a little innuendo, nothing I found offensive, but I just want to confirm that little note the author put in the book description herself.
This book was one of those one’s that sucked me in straight from the first page. Bea, or as Cam likes to call her Bebe, has loved Cam(eron) from the day she met him. He has also loved her back, but they both haven’t ever had the nerve to speak up.
This book alternates between Bebe’s and Cam’s POV, and give you a very clear imagine into the inner workings of the teenage mind, both the female and male perspective. Daniels hit it spot on, and had me laughing out loud through most of this read. I loved the alternative POV, as I strongly feel each story has at least two sides to it, and giving you that always makes it that much more complete.
Reading this book brought back a lot of my teenage memories, and I enjoyed it a lot. I loved Bebe’s snarkiness, it reminds me a lot of myself, I must admit.
As I said before, the story drew me in to the point that putting the book down to go to work or get things done was a real punishment. Eventually I kept reading until well into the night, falling asleep with my kindle app open, just because I couldn’t put this one down.
When I did finish the book, after two days, it hurt to say goodbye to them. And the epilogue gave away too much for me, as I would have liked to see a sequel with Beth’s story. Sadly I know who she ends up with, but I’m rooting for Daniels to make it possible for me to still get that side of the story. Because after all of Beth’s efforts, that girl deserves her HEA.
I hope we will get a sequel/new book from Daniels soon, as she has gained a fan in me, and I am anxious to read more! Keep up the good work!
About the Author
Robin Daniels is a wife, mother of five and avid consumer of books. She loves reading SO much that she was actually grounded from it as a twelve year old. No Joking! Her mom caught her reading when she was supposed to be cleaning, which was a common occurrence. At that point mom took the books and instructed her to go watch TV or play outside like a normal kid.
Robin is a sucker for home design shows and magazines, watches way too much Netflix and has a very codependent relationship with with a certain diet soda who’s brand shall not be named. (Though anyone with a similar problem could probably guess which one.)